About: Audra Losey, MS, RD

Recent Posts by Audra Losey, MS, RD

Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette

The taste of homemade dressing cannot be beat by what you find in the bottle at the grocery store. I have to admit though, I'm a first-timer when it comes to making a homemade dressing. It really was easy and the taste was so worth the few extra minutes! I made it right before I began writing this blog and literally couldn't even finish typing more than two sentences without going back to the kitchen to serve myself another bowl

The Gift of Family Meals

What is a gift you can give that will last a life time? Give your family the gift of eating meals together. It may sound simple, but family meals don't just happen by accident. Everyone is running in different directions with activities, work, friends and community involvement. When I ask the families I work with about how often they eat meals together, they all say it is important, but they find it challenging to do it consistently.  Hectic lives make

Learning to say, “no.”

Saying, "no," when all you really want to do is shout, "YES," is not an easy feat. Learning to say, "no," has been my "burden to bear" these past few months. I've become more accustomed to saying, "no, thank you," but there are definitely times when I am tempted to cave and say, "Yes, I would love a piece of that chocolate cake!" or, "Yes, please sprinkle a little cheese on top!" To give you a little context here, I mentioned

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