Category Archives: Children

Helping Our Kids Maintain a Healthy Weight, Part 1

The 2007 Expert Committee Recommendations on Childhood & Adolescent Overweight & Obesity included some great information to help families achieve and/or maintain a healthy weight.  The committee identified three behaviors with strong evidence showing the behavior caused excessive calorie intake.  Each behavior is modifiable so making these three changes can have a significant impact on helping all family members maintain a healthy weight. Each of my articles for the next three months will discuss one of the behaviors and provide specific suggestions for families.

Behavior #1:


Feeding Toddlers with Ease

As a mom of a two year old, I am in the throes of working through the challenges of feeding a toddler.  One thing I quickly learned as a new mom is that nothing (good or bad) stays the same for long.  Recently I told a friend that my son very rarely plays with his food and he's good at using utensils.  Then viola the next day he was using his string cheese to draw pictures on the table and

Cooking With Your Children

Learning to prepare food is a life skill that everyone needs to learn.  The problem is finding a willing teacher!  Cooking is fun, when you are not in a hurry.  It is very satisfying to prepare something that tastes good and others can also eat.  Your child will feel the same. By following a few simple suggestions, teaching your child to cook can be fun for both of you! First, make sure you are not rushing to put a