Category Archives: Children

It’s Apple Picking Time!

One of my favorite memories growing up is our family trips to the apple orchard.  Every fall, my parents would take my sister and me on the hour long drive to a pick-your-own apple orchard.  We had a blast!  We'd pack a picnic lunch and spend the day running through the trees trying to find the best apples.  We'd collect several bushels of apples of all different types, taste testing along the way. This year, I was excited to share with

What Are Some Good After School Snacks?

Last weekend I was going through the newspaper ads and became frustrated when I saw this ad:


I was frustrated because it encourages parents to serve their hungry kids bowls of potato chips when they come home from school.  Now potato chips aren't a "bad food", but as a dietitian, they would not be what I would serve to hungry kids at the end of every school day. Americans' Snack Habits Research has shown that the calories we consume via snacks have increased

Helping Our Kids Maintain a Healthy Weight, Part 3

Welcome to my final blog investigating the three behaviors that research shows contribute to childhood obesity.  So far we've discussed ways to decrease the frequency of eating out and reduce sugar-sweetened beverages.  From the above picture, can you guess what the final behavior researchers identified as contributing to childhood obesity?  If you guessed portion size, you're right!  If not, you're in good company as many Americans no longer know what a healthy portion size looks like.

