About: Cindy Brison MS RD LMNT

Recent Posts by Cindy Brison MS RD LMNT

Cooking With Your Children

Learning to prepare food is a life skill that everyone needs to learn.  The problem is finding a willing teacher!  Cooking is fun, when you are not in a hurry.  It is very satisfying to prepare something that tastes good and others can also eat.  Your child will feel the same. By following a few simple suggestions, teaching your child to cook can be fun for both of you! First, make sure you are not rushing to put a

Cooking with Kids!

Almost 50% of meals consumed in the US are away from home.  This is a scary trend that continues to increase each year.  With this, obesity continues to increase, and the lack of cooking skills with the younger population decreases.  Many factors play into this increase in meals eaten away from home:
  1. Lack of time for meal prep by parents
  2. Lack of time for children to be at home to learn
  3. Busy life styles
  4. When they do cook, parents just want to get the

Soup Up Your Winter

Frigid winter nights require something warm and filling for dinner.  What better comfort food than soup!  Homemade soup can be very easy to make, and usually doesn't take much time.  You can save money by using less expensive cuts of meat, because they are going to tenderize as they cook.  They can be very nutritious--filled with lots of vegetables.  Soup can be a time saver also.  You can make a big batch and freeze some for future meals. There are so

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