About: Cindy Brison MS RD LMNT

Recent Posts by Cindy Brison MS RD LMNT

Kick Those Germs to the Curb!

Germs.  They are everywhere.  We carry millions of them on our hands.  Some are harmful, many are not.  Starting in the fall, many illnesses increase, like colds, the flu, diarrhea, and some that are food related.  Many of these outbreaks are caused by poor hygiene, usually unwashed or poorly washed hands.  Proper hand washing is the single most effective way to decrease these illnesses. Did you know:
  • 50% of Americans do not wash their hands after using the restroom?  Another 25% only

My Children Eat School Lunch

Good news!  School lunches are well balanced and part of a healthy diet!  Unfortunately, school lunches have inappropriately gotten bad press as one cause of childhood obesity.  School lunches must meet the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommend no more than 30 percent of calories from fat, and less than 10 percent from saturated fat. Regulations also establish a standard to provide one-third of the RDA of protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, calcium, and calories.  Their

Bag A Safe Lunch!

Packing a lunch your child will eat and not trade is tough.  Packing a safe lunch is not.  I find that following a few simple guidelines keeps my kid’s lunches safe. Start out your lunch preparation with clean hands, a clean counter, and a clean lunch container.  Insulated containers (better than paper) and lunch boxes need to be cleaned daily with hot soapy water.  Check all of your expiration dates—expired food is bad! Now you’re ready to choose your food items.  Remember

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