About: Carrie Schneider-Miller MS RD

Recent Posts by Carrie Schneider-Miller MS RD

Cantaloupe the New Magical Fruit

Submitted by Laura Feldhacker & Jonnisha McCleod, ExtensionCorps Members Check out this recipe for a final “friends and family summer grill-out” with these fresh fruit and veggie kabobs made with grilled cantaloupe, why not?! Okay, maybe the better question is, why would I? Let’s take a quick look at why adding cantaloupe to your summer kabobs is worth your friends bewildered looks and raised eye brows. First, being the most consumed melon in the U.S. cantaloupe has some stature. Mostly seen in fruit

8 Health Benefits of Eating Cantaloupe

                Cantaloupe is ripe for the picking in late summer. Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Cantaloupe smoothies are an refreshing and easy way to get the vitamin A and C that our bodies need. The health benefits of Vitamin A: 1. Promotes eye health and helps you see in the dark. 2. Fights off infection. 3. Improves the health of our skin. 4. Keeps our immune system healthy. The health benefits of Vitamin C: 5. Is an antioxidant the blocks the damaging

Cooking with Cabbage

                Our blogging team received our first Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) bag of the season! We will be taking turns posting about the health benefits of eating these vegetables and the recipes we create. In the first bag was a giant head of cabbage, broccoli, and lettuce. With the cabbage I made Sriracha Lime Roasted Cabbage. This had an awesome flavor. I plan on making this sauce again to put on grill chicken. My children and niece also helped me use the cabbage to make Runza's, a Nebraska favorite. I couldn't believe how