About: Audra Losey, MS, RD

Recent Posts by Audra Losey, MS, RD

4 Ways to be Active

My motivation to stay physically active tends to have a way of coming and going. Can anyone else relate?? Despite that, here are a few ways that I have found helpful in my quest to stay active especially when the weather is colder.

Recruit the troops. Find others that have similar goals to you and ask them to spend time being active with you. One winter a group of us at work spent 30 minutes of our lunch break


Tips to Promote a Healthy Weight in your Kids

Maybe you’re concerned about your child’s weight. Maybe your child’s pediatrician has expressed concern or perhaps you have been trying to make healthy changes for a while now. What do you do? Instead of trying to conquer the whole mountain all at once, let’s just think about a few simple changes that could really make a strong influence on your family. First, let’s recognize that as parents, you are in the best position to help your kids develop healthy habits.

Calling All Sweet Potato Lovers & Skeptics

I love breakfast foods, especially the ones that really fill you up and get you going for the day. As the weather is cooling off, those warm and hearty dishes really hit the spot. This recipe for Sweet Potato Hash with Sausage and Caramelized Onions is delicious. People that love sweet potatoes will definitely enjoy it, but I've also won over a few sweet potato skeptics with this recipe. I originally adapted this recipe from thekitchn.com. You can prep ingredients

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