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Try a Different Squash – Delicata

In our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) bag this week we received two types of squash an acorn squash and something new to me a delicata squash.  Delicata squash are long and narrow.  The color is an off white or light yellow color with some orange and green lines. We prepared the acorn squash in a crockpot, recipe here.  It was seasoned with cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar and butter. Both of my children enjoyed the taste of the squash. I’m

Grandma’s Soft Nut Cookies

Happy Nut Day!! October 22 is National Nut Day, and this months theme for Recipe Redux centers around nuts. There are many different ways for nuts to be used in a healthy diet. We are fortunate to have available to us whole nuts, chopped nuts, ground nuts, nut butter and/or nut flour. Nuts and seeds are considered part of the Protein Foods Group in MyPlate. Some benefits of eating nuts and seeds, is that it may reduce the risk of heart disease

Trying New Foods + Recipe: Bok Choy & Chicken Soup

  When was the last time you tried a new vegetable? Since participating in our local CSA, I have been able to try several new foods. Most recently, I had the opportunity to try cooking with bok choy. It is a type of leafy green typically found in Asian dishes like stir-fry or it can be simply roasted. It is also easily added into soups like the featured recipe below, Bok Choy & Chicken Soup. Introducing new foods to your