Toddler Foods That Make You Feel Like Super Mom

You’ll feel like super mom when you offer these foods to your toddler. Below are some of my son’s favorite “super” foods. These foods are packed with nutrients and are foods that most toddlers will eat.

MILK. Yes, our little guys and gals still need to be drinking milk. It is no longer their primary source of nutrition like it was during their first year of life but it is still very important. Although, don’t over do milk. If they are filling up on milk they won’t be hungry enough to eat a variety of other foods, thus not getting all of the nutrients they need. It is recommended that toddlers 2-3 years old get 2 cups from the milk group daily. After the age of 2 it is recommended to switch from whole milk to low-fat milk (1% or skim).  Yogurt and cheese is also in the milk group and can be counted toward the recommended 2 cups.

YOGURT. To lessen the mess try buying yogurt in a tube (go-gurt). You can also freeze these and serve them as frozen yogurt.

BROCCOLI. Broccoli is a super food packed with nutrients that will make your toddler’s bones stronger and smile brighter. If your child doesn’t like broccoli try having them dip it in Ranch dressing or cheese. My son likes broccoli better cooked than raw.

BEANS. Beans rank right up there with broccoli as a super food. Beans are a great source of protein and many other valuable nutrients. Make up a fun song about beans when you serve beans to your child. They are also more likely to eat them if they see you eating them.

WATER. As mentioned before when children fill up on drinks such as milk and juice they are not as likely to eat at meal time. Thus their bodies are not getting the variety of nutrients it needs. 60% of our body is made up of water. Drinking water is essential to good health. Offer water between meals and snacks. It is also okay to serve water with meals.

OATMEAL. My son starting eating oatmeal with my husband and continues to insist on oatmeal almost every morning.  My husband used to be a donut kind of breakfast eater but this new breakfast bonding experience with our son has even changed his ways. So score to my husband because oatmeal is great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

FRUIT JUICE, MAYBE NOT. Fruit juice is not required to grow a healthy toddler. Whole fruit is a much better choice than fruit juice. If you and your toddler can’t live without fruit juice make sure it is 100% fruit juice and limit juice to 6 ounces per day. Or try diluting juice with water. Fruit juice is a concentrated source of calories and sugar. It can lead to child overweight issues and tooth decay.

CREATE YOUR OWN TRAIL MIX. Make your own trail mix by combining a cereal, dried fruit, pretzels, small crackers, and peanuts/soy nuts (if appropriate for your child). When planning snacks try to include 2-3 different food groups. This will help your toddler stay full longer and work toward getting the wide variety of food their bodies need.

What foods do you serve your toddler that make you feel like a super mom?  Share your advice below.

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1 Response to "Toddler Foods That Make You Feel Like Super Mom"

  1. Not a “supermom” here….don’t hold that against me!

    Our twins like milk, yogurt, cheese and juice; and oatmeal at breakfast time. We haven’t had much luck with broccoli. We have tried a few recipes with red kidney beans and they like it a lot. Thanks for your post.

    I write a blog on toddler nutrition. Check it out