Tasty Ways to Use Up Cucumbers


We’ve got cucumbers coming out of our ears, literally.  My daughter loves to help me in the kitchen.  So I give her simple tasks, such as peeling the onion, breaking off the ends of the green beans, and mixing the ingredients.

In this week’s CSA bag, we received cucumbers, green beans, basil, tomatoes, squash, peppers, onion and zucchini.  Cucumbers are one of my favorite vegetables but we’ve been given a lot of them this summer and I’m getting tired of eating them plain.  So I sought out new recipes to spice up our cucumbers.  I made a great recipe I found on allrecipes.com, Cucumber Salsa.  I also created a chicken salad recipe.  This includes red peppers, cucumbers and red onion.  What is your favorite cucumber recipe?

Cucumber Salsa
Servings: 12

2             medium cucumbers, peeled and
2             medium tomatoes, chopped
½ c.        chopped green bell pepper
1             jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
1             small onion
1 t.          garlic, minced
2 T.         lime juice
2 t.         minced fresh cilantro
½ t.         salt
1             package tortilla chips

1.  In a medium bowl, stir together the cucumbers, tomatoes, green pepper, jalapeno pepper, onion,garlic, lime juice, cilantro, dill, and salt.
2.  Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour.  Serve with tortilla chips.

Summer Chicken Salad 

I’m not going to provide specific amount of ingredients because I simple used leftover baked chicken and added in some of the produce we received in our CSA bag.  Change this recipe to fit your taste and what you already have on hand.


  • chicken breast, cooked and diced
  • mayonnaise
  • mustard
  • cucumber, peeled, and diced
  • red pepper, diced
  • red onion, diced
  • black pepper

Mix cooked and diced chicken breast with mayonnaise, mustard, cucumber, red pepper, red onion, and black pepper.  Serve on crackers or as a sandwich on whole grain bread.  Enjoy on crackers or serve as a sandwich on whole wheat bread.


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