Chefs Move to Schools


The Chefs Move to Schools program, run through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, will help chefs partner with interested schools in their communities so together they can create healthy meals that meet the schools’ dietary guidelines and budgets, while teaching young people about nutrition and making balanced and healthy choices.

This program also provides schools with REALLY NICE tools to help both the school and the Chef.  The kits contain All-Clad pans, an induction burner, utensils, bowls, a cutting board and knives, etc….  $2,000 in total!

Kiwi--the before picture!

Kiwi–the before picture!


As an RD with a culinary background, it was a simple to apply for the grant and partner with my local school.   We utilize our Fuel Up to Play 60 grant money and the great equipment to prepare foods that are not on the monthly menu.  Once a month we have a “Tasting” lunch, where the Food Service Manager and myself prepare a new fruit/vegetable, low-fat dairy item or whole grain item for the students to taste.  Then we poll everyone to see if it’s a keeper or not.  It’s a great way to test items that we want to add to increase the nutrient density of the children’s meals!  So far we’ve had fresh strawberries and kiwi!  Dairy and whole grains are on our list.  The students get EXTREMELY excited about these tasting days, and so do I.

I talk to people about healthy eating every day, but rarely do I get to be part of helping individuals actually try to!  This is a win-win for everyone involved.  I challenge my fellow RD’s and Chef Friends to partner with their local school to promote healthy eating!  It’s not hard, and everyone benefits!

cmts blog 3

Kiwi–the after picture!

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