5 Calorie Free Ways to Enjoy Your Halloween Candy

This year for Halloween my 4-year-old son was Bat Man and my 15-month-old daughter was Bat Girl. It was amazing how fast my daughter got the hang of trick or treating. My oldest probably didn’t have a piece of candy until he was two years old but it is a different story with my daughter. I’m afraid all she’ll ever want to eat after Halloween is candy. So now I’m trying to figure out what to do with all of the candy. I found some great ideas.
- Donate it. Click here to learn how to donate to our troops, the Ronald McDonald House, and food pantries.
- Sell it to Dentists. We did this last year and my son was so happy to get a free tooth brush, sticker, and money in exchange. If you live in Omaha click on this link to view times and locations of dentists buying candy.
- Create Art. Make mosaics out of the hard candy. Have a best candy sculpture contest. Or make candy jewelry such as necklaces or bracelets.
- Save it for Christmas. Freeze the chocolate and use it for your holiday baking. Or use it to decorate a ginger bread house.
- Make it Nutritious. Okay so this isn’t a calorie free option but I’m not one to deprive myself of some candy. This is a way to make a “well rounded” snack. Make a snack mix using foods you have on hand: cereal, nuts/seeds, dried fruit, pretzels, and mix it with a little bit of candy. It makes a great midday or after school snack.