Love Those Blueberries

Blueberries are gaining popularity in the American Diet because of their antioxidant properties. They provide vitamin C and E, potassium and fiber. In our household we don’t eat them because they are good for us but because we love the flavor.We do not have access to blueberry bushes so we have to rely on purchasing them from the store. When you purchase blueberries look for good color, firm flesh and plumpness. These are indicators of prime condition. Always inspect the bottom of the box for signs of staining, and look carefully for any sign of mold. Remove crushed or damaged berries. Do not wash until ready to use, and store (preferably in a single layer) in a moisture proof container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Do not crowd or press.
If you have an abundance of berries or they are a price you cannot pass up, you might want to freeze them for use out of season. I prefer the individually quick frozen method or dry pack method. Individually quick frozen berries may be substituted for fresh fruit in any recipe where the fruit is cooked or baked. When you use frozen berries for baking be sure to measure before thawing, and add while still frozen.
Instructions for Individually Quick Freeze Method
1 | Clean and sanitize sink, before washing berries |
2 | Fill sink with cool water |
3 | To prevent bruising, tip berries into colander |
4 | Immerse into cool water |
5 | Gently move from side to side to several minutes |
6 | Lift out and drain |
7 | Scatter berries on paper towel, let air dry |
8 | Place single layer on jelly roll pan |
9 | Place in freezer until frozen, transfer to freezer container |
10 | Label, seal, and place back in freezer for up to 12 months |
Whether you eat your berries out of hand for a fresh snack, tossed onto cold or hot cereal, mixed with a salad, blended into a fruit smoothie, layered with yogurt for a parfait, or used in baked goods, you can’t go wrong. And with the frozen blueberries you can enjoy them year round.
Fresh blueberries were super cheap the other day at our store. Your directions were easy to follow so we’ll be enjoying blueberries throughout the year. Thanks for the great information.