Category Archives: Food Preservation

Wenninghoff CSA–Join Now!!!!

Guest blog by Molly Hofker, for Wenninghoff Farm. Last year, we participated in a local CSA with Wenninghoff Farm.  It was a wonderful experience, and we blogged about it all summer.  We received over 30,000 hits for these blogs alone!  Well--spring is here, and we are joining again this year.  We thought you might be interested too, so are sharing their information. Although spring hasn’t yet sprung here in the heartland, it’s still the time of year when our appetites begin craving

The CSA Bag That Keeps Giving!

This summer Nutrition Know How Bloggers wrote about their experiences with Community Supported Agriculture Bags we received weekly. It was easy to find things to do with all the fresh produce, but occasionally we would get more vegetables than we could use. So during those times, I would preserve what I had to be used for later. And since this is later, I thought I would share with you what I was able to make with the cabbage that I

Stocking Up With My CSA Bag

I was fortunate growing up that my mother and grandmother were good teachers of food preservation. I have always enjoyed the canning or freezing process of the summer bounty to be eaten in the winter months. So for this weeks beautiful bounty from the CSA bag I decided to can and/or freeze. (Regardless if you can or freeze your produce, be sure to follow the most current processing methods to ensure a safe and healthy eating experience.)

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