What Do You Like With Your Chocolate?




February is Heart Healthy month.  It also has Valentine’s Day.  If you go to the store right now, you would see nothing but a sea of chocolate.  Heart shaped boxes, bags and any amount of this delectable commodity you would desire!  I started thinking about the theme this month From Recipe Redux—what do you pair chocolate with?  All types of things came to mind.  I was telling another nutrition specialist about it, and she had all sorts of ideas.   So I decided to poll my office and see what they liked to pair chocolate with.  Most answers were not surprising.  Some of them were more than our PG blog could handle (wink, wink, nudge, nudge!).  So I am including their list (and my list from my Face Book friends).

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  1. I like chocolate with pretzels, peanut butter, and cake.  Also, bacon.  I also enjoy a hint of chocolate in chili.
  2. Chocolate goes well with chocolate, Popcorn, Coffee, and Wine
  3. I dump chocolate chips into my PB jar and enjoy!
  4. I don’t normally drink milk, was never a big fan, but any time I have chocolate, it tastes best with an ice cold (I add ice cubes if not cold enough) glass of skim milk.
  5. I like chocolate with more chocolate! Bring on the brownies with chocolate chips in them!
  6. Dessert pizza
  7. Beer is always a winner
  8. Caramel
  9. Cheetos. Popcorn. Potato chips.
  10. Apples, strawberries, bananas, and pineapple. Yummmm
  11. I like peanut butter, strawberries, something salty, potato chips, etc.
  12. Potato chips!!!!
  13. Nuts, preferably cashews or almonds. salty and sweet.
  14. PretzelsJalapenos
  15. Coconut
  16. Hot Fudge, ice cold vanilla ice cream and salty nuts. More fudge and nuts than ice cream. A Peanut Buster Parfait from DQ! With hot caramel on it too. And REAL whipped cream. Cherry on top. I actually have this about once every five years! It probably takes my body that long to get over it!
  17. Caramel
  18. My favorite chocolate match is chocolate + me eating it. Or maybe marshmallows in my hot chocolate.
  19. An RD’s take on a healthy recipe involving chocolate was this–and I agree! “Maybe it should be about portion sizes and really enjoying those treats that you do chose to eat”.
  20. Chocolate-peanut butter combinations, and chocolate-cherry combinations.
  21. I like toffee and almonds with my chocolate washed down with a Dt. Pepsi.
  22. One of our favorite dishes at Azteca is the chicken mole.  But I have also decided that looking at the local grocery ad–I need to go into the chocolate dipping strawberries business!
  23. A nice Shiraz.
  24. Potato chips covered in chocolate!
  25. Anything and everything! I have even had insects dipped in chocolate for an entomology class. But my all time favorite, port wine with dark chocolate and someone you love! The wine could be why the dipped grasshoppers were delicious, just saying.
  26. Chocolate dipped bacon with sea salt–because the sea salt is good for you-right?
  27. Ice cream.
  28. Chocolate is best when it is paired with something nutty, crunchy or salty.  Otherwise, it’s just boring.  The sweet against the salty combination offers something special going on in your mouth.  In this case, the flavors and textures are competing for attention – the smooth, the salty, the crunchy, the cocoa – and you get to benefit.   It’s a little like tasting a good wine where the flavors hit several parts of your tongue during the experience.  After all, you have to give up calories to enjoy chocolate, you might as well get something in exchange.

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What are your favorites?  Leave me a comment!

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