Who Finished the Chips? A Guide to Snacking in the Car

Wait a second, it was me. Curbing your in-car snacking can be a challenge, but it is nothing a little preparation can’t fix. If you’re in the car for more than a few hours, you’re inevitably going to get bored, or at least I do. If you aren’t prepared you too may end up polishing off a bag of chips without thinking twice.  With the holidays approaching, I can’t help but think of the long car rides we take to visit family. Unfortunately all those hours of inactivity and boredom, can easily lead to mindless snacking, meaning you don’t really know how much you’re eating or why. On long road trips, snacking can be an important part of eating well and saving a few dollars by skipping the fast food restaurants, but it can also lead to unintentionally eating too many extra calories.


Here are a few tips for smart snacking in the car:

  1. Plan ahead and portion out your snacks before you get in the car. Breakdown that bag of goodies into individual servings.  This will help prevent eating more than you intended.
  2. Pick out snacks that are nutritious, meaning they offer your body key nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, for example, instead of empty calories. It’s okay to still have your favorite foods, but think about balancing it out.
    • Tip! Popcorn is a great whole grain snack with lots of fiber. But be careful because many popcorn packages are loaded with extra fat and salt. Read the food label to find one with little to no added butter and salt, or pop your own. One serving size of popcorn is 3 cups, which is about the same amount that fits into a sandwich size baggie.
  3. Don’t be afraid to pack fruits and veggies. Bring along apples, bananas, dried fruit, or carrot sticks.
  4. Think before you drink. Pop is an easy way to drink empty calories. If you’re in for a long drive, that can mean drinking the equivalent of a meal in empty calories, or more! Be sure to bring along plenty of water and other calorie free drinks.
  5. Plan for the boredom. Realize that you may be tempted to eat to fill the time. Simply having the awareness may help prevent mindless eating. Bring along your favorite music or book on CD (the library has a great selection) to find some relief from the boredom.
    • Tip! If you’re looking for some kid-friendly games to help fill the time there are some great ideas on this website: http://www.momsminivan.com/

Bottom line, ask yourself why you are eating? If you are truly hungry, have a snack, but don’t set yourself up for failure by only bringing junk food. If you don’t know why you’re eating, your most likely bored. Drink some water or try chewing gum to distract your craving. Think about stopping at the next rest area to walk for a few minutes. A brisk walk will refresh you and get you ready for a few more hours of driving.

What are some of your favorite activities for a long road trip? Leave a comment with your ideas!



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1 Response to "Who Finished the Chips? A Guide to Snacking in the Car"

  1. Trist and Tate's mom

    love the idea about popcorn in the car…what a great way to snack in the car. Thanks for the new travel goodie ideas!