Resolutions 2014

Happy New Year! 2014! It will take me an entire month to remember the New Year! According to popular press, I am supposed to get my home organized, prepare healthier meals, and exercise more. And anything else that will make me a better person. Statistics show that by the end of January, many dieters have fallen off the wagon, as have the would be exercisers. So many messages—what is a person to do?
I for one could be more organized. Anyone who knows me knows that! I would welcome better organization—it would make so many things easier! It is an ongoing hope of mine. Small steps! I did clean out my receipts and bill pile today to get ready for income tax. My empty box sure looks nice!
Healthier meals-I agree! How about different meals? I am bored with my winter repertoire that my family enjoys. I want more fruits and fresh veggies—and why can’t I get them now? Fresh salads! I went to the grocery store this weekend and did just that—bought more fresh foods to eat. We have been trying not to eat out lately also. Meals at home are better for us, and cost less. So, lots of mushrooms and green onions and lettuce. Makes me feel summery already! This is also ongoing. Healthier meals for all of us, and weight loss are on my radar screen—both to get all of us to the healthiest point we can be!
Exercise. Amen. We own a treadmill. We use it. Three times a week—times two people, sometimes five people! The treadmill repairman says we abuse our machine. I disagree—we USE IT! We don’t hang laundry on it. I love exercise videos too. It would be wonderful to have the time and money to go to the gym daily, but it’s not in the cards for us right now. So we have free weights, and do the best we can. I believe we need to do it better—and we will try. Again, another work in progress.
The point of this article is to understand that none of us has to be perfect. We fail because we set our goals to perfection—not to being realistic. Some exercise is better than none. Something green in the diet is good for us! Being able to find your car keys in the morning is probably a good thing too! We need to strive to keep trying. Slow and steady wins the race. My hope for you, dear reader is that in 2014, we all live in the moment, and enjoy what is going on this minute—and not thinking about what you could be doing. Live, laugh and love—all good advice—add to it healthier meals and exercise—and we will all be happier at this time next year!