The Life of a “Dumper”

Guest blog by Rachel Wright

I follow recipes, sort-of, but then I “dump” a few goodies in there.  I followed recipes like the basic pancake recipe found in the red and white Better Homes and Gardens cookbook I got when we first got married. It is complete with written notes and stained/spills, but it is the BEST cookbook I have ever had.

I have my 3- and 4- year old help me cook.  They think it is fun and sometimes messy, but a special time together.  The pancake recipe works well when cooking with my kids because you have one mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in a different one.  Two kids, two bowls, there is less fighting…most of the time.

Once the basic recipe is complete, I can’t help but “dump” a bit.   This time I decided to dump a little bit of vanilla, and of course, some flax seed.   Flax seed helps me add some omega-3 fatty acids (“good” fats that has been shown to have heart-healthy effects) as well as antioxidants and fiber!    I don’t measure, I simply let the kids dump a little ground flax see in there, they don’t know the difference (although my husband always can… sorry honey!).

We have had days when I let them put a few chocolate chips on them before I flip them or use metal cookie cutters to make special shapes.   As you start to “dump, don’t worry; there will be some “Dumping Disasters.”  I might never live down the time I put smashed up bananas in them.  I was going for a “banana bread” type pancake…I failed miserably!!!   Enjoy letting your kids experiment with you (if they are truly awful, there is always cereal).

Here is the Wright family’s basic Pancake recipe, adapted from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook:



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon and 1 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 beaten eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • ¼ cup cooking oil


  1. In a medium mixing bowl stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the center of the dry mixture; set aside.
  2. In another medium mixing bowl combine the egg, milk, and cooking oil. Add egg mixture all at once to the dry mixture. Stir just till moistened (batter should be lumpy).
  3. For standard-size pancakes, pour about 1/4 cup batter onto a hot, lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet. (a 2/3 cup measuring spoon filled part way works great). Cook over medium heat about 2 minutes on each side or till pancakes are golden brown, turning to second sides when pancakes have bubbly surfaces and edges are slightly dry. Serve warm.

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1 Response to "The Life of a “Dumper”"

  1. Susan O'Brien

    Enjoyed reading this and the cute children.
    I like making a batch of pancakes and vary ingredients.
    I really like (1 can) canned pumpkin, a little sugar (1/4c.?) and some cinnamon.
    Peanut butter pancakes – mix a gob (about a cup) in with the wet ingredients. These are like eating a big peanut butter cookie for breakfast.
    Banana pancakes – using banana that would be thrown out, a little applesauce left in the fridge, some cinnamon, mixing this in with the wet ingredients worked.
    I let them cool, wrap them in wax paper and put in a large zip lock and freeze to have pancakes ready in 30 seconds to thaw and heat. I like to dust a little powdered sugar instead of using syrup. (A nice childhood memory of my Mom who did this and looked like snow on your pancake.)