Take The Stink Out

We receive may calls from people, who by no fault of their own, have had food spoil in the refrigerator/freezer. Maybe the power has gone out, the unit has been unplugged, or has been left open these are the perfect times for food to spoil in the refrigerator/freezer. If the food has been allowed to spoil in a refrigerator/freezer, the strong odors associated with food spoilage may be extremely difficult to remove.

The first step is to clean the appliance with a gentle household cleaning solution and water. Use a bleach solution (3/4 cup bleach per gallon of water) to rinse inside surfaces. While the unit is unplugged, leave the door open for a day or two to air it out. If the odor remains, try one of the following methods:

  1. Place trays of activated charcoal, clean kitty litter or baking soda on the shelves of the refrigerator/freezer. Run the appliance empty for two to three days.
  2. Place freshly-ground coffee on cookie sheets in the refrigerator/freezer and close the door. Again, run the appliance empty for two to three days. A slight coffee odor may remain, but will disappear after washing and rinsing.
  3. Pack each refrigerator/freezer shelf with crumpled newspaper. Set a cup of water on the top shelf or sprinkle with water. Allow the refrigerator/freezer to run for approximately five to six days. This method is time consuming, but effectively removes strong odors.
  4. Several commercial products are available for removal of refrigerator/freezer odors. These products may be purchased at hardware, grocery, or discount stores.

Spray or wipe disinfectant around the hinges and locks and into any openings. If the unit has been off several days, it is possible the odor has gone into the insulation. If the odor has penetrated the insulation, much work is needed to get it out. An air compressor might be needed to blow air into this section of the unit.

If the above methods do not satisfactorily take care of odor problems, it may be that drippings from meat or fish leaked into the insulation. This problem would require service by a refrigerator/freezer technician, who may have to remove the liner and replace the insulation.

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