Slow Cooker Conversion

Check out these guidelines for slow cooker conversion:

  • Use the manufacturer’s instruction booklet and locate a recipe similar to the one you enjoy. Use it as a guide. Pay attention to the quantity of the ingredients, heat setting, cooking time and liquid measurements.
  • Food has a tendency to become watered down in the slow cooker. Recipes should include some liquid. If your recipe doesn’t have a liquid ingredient, add a 1/2 cup of broth or water. If it has several cups of liquid, you can decrease it by about half. You will normally have more liquid at the end of cooking time not less.
  • Use standard liquid amounts if you are using long-grain parboiled/converted rice recipes.
  • Use a thickener to give texture to the foods cooked in the slow cooker. You may wish to use flour, cornstarch or tomato paste.
  • Milk, noodles, and seafood may not hold up well when cooked 8-10 hours. Add these to sauces about two hours before serving when cooking on low, or one hour before when cooking on high.
  • One hour of simmering on the stove top or baking at 350 degrees F in the oven is equivalent to 8-10 hours on low or 4-5 hours on high in the slow cooker.
  • Beefs cuts cook better on low temperatures for 8-10 hours, where as, chicken can be cooked on high 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

Cooking Time for Conventional Recipe

Cooking Time in Slow Cooker

15 to 30 minutes Low: 4 to 6 hoursHigh 1 1/2 to 2 hours
35 to 45 minutes Low: 6 to 8 hours High: 3 to 4 hours
50 minutes or more Low: 8 to 10 hours High: 4 to 6 hours

Just with an recipe modifications, you need to be aware that not every item is equpiped to make the transition. But don’t be afraid to experiment with your recipes, and happy cooking.

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