About: Nancy Urbanec

Recent Posts by Nancy Urbanec

Winter Squash

Winter squash comes in many varieties, but all have similar characteristics, such as, they all have a hard outer rind that surrounds a sweet, often orange flesh. They also provide a wonderful source of iron, riboflavin and vitamin A. Unlike summer squash, winter squash must be cooked before eating.I prefer to bake winter squash, as the outer rind becomes firmer making extraction of the edible flesh easier. But you can also steam, microwave or simmer it. Before you prepare your

Basil Bountiful

One of our favorite herbs, which we plant in the spring outdoors, is basil. Luckily basil grows well even for someone, like me, who doesn't have a green thumb. Moderate moisture and sunlight will give you enough basil to use fresh throughout the summer, or more to preserve for longer periods of time. When harvesting basil, choose evenly colored leaves, with no indication of wilting or insects. You can keep basil refrigerated wrapped in a slightly damp paper towel and then

Freezing Tomatoes

We have had a bumper crop of tomatoes thanks in part to the moisture and heat of the last few weeks. Now what do I do with so many that we can not eat enough to keep up with the crop. Tomatoes can be canned in the boiling water bath or the pressure canner, but with the temperature outside reaching in the upper nineties and lower one hundreds I hate to heat up the kitchen. So I opted to freeze

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