Category Archives: Uncategorized

Local Produce

I have participated in two CSA's. I have purchased foods from farmer's markets. I have purchased foods from a food coop. I have grown my own produce for over 24 years. I am hooked on fresh produce. When I was growing up a hundred years ago, we only ate seasonal produce, and canned or frozen the rest of the year. Now we can get produce from all over the world at any time of the year. That's progress! Sort of..... Have

Locally Grown – Hydroponic Vegetables

In our CSA bag this week was hydroponic bib lettuce. It was grown by Oak Ridge Farms in Ord Nebraska. There are many emerging hydroponic growers in Nebraska and the US. Hydroponics is a growing trend that allows produce to be grown year round. Hydroponics means, “water working.” Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in nutrient rich water, without soil. These plants are grown inside a controlled environment such as a greenhouse. It is reported that it takes less

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  ENTER A DRAWING FOR A $50 AMAZON.COM GIFT CERTIFICATE survey. As a thank you to our Nutrition Know How, and readers we are giving away a $50 gift card!  To be eligible to enter the drawing please complete this short survey. ENTER BY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 If you've never shopped on, you can buy everything from clothing to computers to cookware! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------